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Number Authors Title Journal  
55 JP AuBuchon, J de Wildt-Eggen, LJ Dumont. Reducing the variation in the variation in performance of antibody titrations. Vox Sanguinis 2008;95:57-65 and Arch Pathol Lab Med 2008;132:1194-1201. (joint publication).
54 Walter Sunny Dzik, Neil Beckman, Kathleen Selleng, Nancy Heddle, Zbigniew Szczepiorkowski, Silvano Wendel, and Michael Murphy for the Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion (BEST) Collaborative. Errors in patient specimen collection: application of statistical process control. Transfusion 2008 Oct;48(10):2143-51.
53 LJ Dumont, JP AuBuchon for the Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion (BEST) Collaborative. Evaluation of proposed FDA criteria for the evaluation of radiolabeled red cell recovery trials. Transfusion 2008;48:1053-60.
51 Brand A, Eichler H, Szczepiorkowski ZM, Hess JR, Kekomaki R, McKenna DH, Pamphilon D, Reems J, Sacher RA, Takahashi TA, van de Watering LM; Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion (BEST) Collaborative. Viability does not necessarily reflect the hematopoietic progenitor cell potency of a cord blood unit: results of an interlaboratory exercise. Transfusion. 2008 Mar;48(3):546-9.
50 Eichler H, Nguyen XD, Roelen D, Celluzzi CM, McKenna D, Pamphilon D, Blair A, Read EJ, Takahashi TA, Szczepiorkowski ZM; Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion Collaborative. Multicenter study on in vitro characterization of dendritic cells. Cytotherapy. 2008;10(1):21-9.
49 Murphy MF, Casbard AC, Ballard S, Shulman IA, Heddle N, Aubuchon JP, Wendel S, Thomson A, Hervig T, Downes K, Carey PM, Dzik WH; BEST Research Collaborative. Prevention of bedside errors in transfusion medicine (PROBE-TM) study: a cluster-randomized, matched-paired clinical areas trial of s simple intervention to reduce errors in the pretransfusion bedside check. Transfusion. 2007 May;47(5):771-80.
48 Dumont LJ, Gulliksson H, van der Meet PF, Murphy S, Nixon JG, de Wildt-Eggen, J, VandenBroeke T, AuBuchon, JP. Interruption of Agitation of Platelet Concentrates - A Multi-center In-vitro Study by the BEST Collaborative on the Effects of Shipping Platelets. Transfusion 2007;47:1666-1673.
47 Dumont, Larry J. Analysis and reporting of platelet kinetic studies. Transfusion 2006;46:67S-73S.
46 The Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion (BEST) Collaborative (2006). Platelet radiolabeling procedure. Transfusion 2006;46:59S.
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